Writers Who Changed History


GBR Anglicky Dorling Kindersley Ltd2024

Kniha: Writers Who Changed History - DK
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Kniha: Writers Who Changed History

This visual celebration of the world's most celebrated thinkers tells the fascinating stories of their lives and pioneering ideas. Writers Who Changed History places well-known writers in their historical and cultural context, showing you how they came to influence literature as we know it today. This illustrated guide is ideal for those interested in literature, writing, poems and novels or who want to broaden their general understanding of literature and writers' lives.Inside this book on writers, you’ll find: -An overview of the lives and works of around 100 of the world's most important novelists, poets, and playwrights - from the Middle Ages to the present-Eight pages of brand-new content with 12 new entries, including Charles Waddell Chesnutt and Zora Neale Hurston-Portraits of each writer alongside photographs of their homes and studies, original manuscripts, notebooks, letters, first editionsIn this literature guide, each writer is introduced with a realistic portrait and biographical entries that trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired and influenced their work, revealing insights into the larger-than-life characters, plots, and evocative settings they created. Entries explore each individual's key ideas and working methods and set their ideas in context, conveying a powerful sense of the place and the period of history in which they lived. Writers Who Changed History provides revealing insights into what drove each individual to develop new ways of understanding the world.

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Katalógové číslo
Writers Who Changed History
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
287 x 238
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