The Good, The Bad and The History

Jodi Taylor

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Kniha: The Good, The Bad and The History - 1. vydanie - Jodi Taylor
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Kniha: The Good, The Bad and The History

BOOK 14 IN THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S SERIES, FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER JODI TAYLOR. 'Brilliant, hilarious, keeps you on your toes' Reader review 'The characters make me come back time and time again' Reader review 'I have not found another author who can tell a story involving time travel as well' Reader review St Mary's is under investigation. Their director has been shot and Max is Number One Suspect. Can things get any worse? We all know the answer to that one.Max needs to get away - fast - and a Brilliant Idea soon leads her to a full-scale uprising in twentieth-century China. If she can come by a historical treasure or two in the process, even better. That is, if she makes it out alive.Then there's the small matter of Insight - the sinister organisation from the future hell bent on changing History for their own dark ends. Having successfully infiltrated their ranks, Max is perfectly placed to stop them. But she knows her cover will soon be blown - because it's already happened.Can Max take down Insight before they come after her? The circle is closing, and only one can survive...For fans of Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club series and Doctor Who.WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT JODI TAYLOR'Once in a while, I discover an author who changes everything... Jodi Taylor and her protagonista Madeleine "Max" Maxwell have seduced me' READER REVIEW'Jodi Taylor is quite simply the Queen of Time. Her books are a swashbuckling joyride through History' C. K. MCDONNELL'This amazing series is anything but formulaic. Just when you think you've got to grips with everything, out comes the rug from under your feet' READER REVIEW'Wonderfully imaginative' SFF WORLD'Addictive. I wish St Mary's was real and I was a part of it' READER REVIEW'Every page bubbles with energy' BRITISH FANTASY SOCIETY'St Mary's stories are the much-anticipated highlight of my year' READER REVIEW'Jodi Taylor has an imagination that gets me completely hooked' READER REVIEW'A tour de force' READER REVIEW

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Katalógové číslo
The Good, The Bad and The History
1. vydanie
Jodi Taylor
Druh tovaru
198×131×38 mm
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Doručenie viac ako 18 dní
Sadzba DPH

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