The Chocolate Spoon

GBR Anglicky Phaidon Press Ltd

Kniha: The Chocolate Spoon
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Kniha: The Chocolate Spoon

A masterclass in baking and working with chocolate, the Italian way - the latest title in the prestigious Silver Spoon family The Silver Spoon kitchen is known throughout the world as the authoritative voice on Italian cuisine and the leading Italian culinary resource - this new book on everyone's favorite ingredient features 100 of the best Silver Spoon chocolate recipes, accompanied by all-new photography and design, as well as 30 core recipes for working with chocolate, each with step-by-step photography. Featuring dark, milk, ruby, and white chocolate, every aspect of this beloved ingredient is covered in depth in this book: its history, composition, various types, and the secrets behind working with chocolate successfully. The basic techniques are accompanied by step-by-step images, guiding cooks through the various necessary processes, and providing valuable tips for tackling more complex preparations, such as tempering, glazing, and creating shapes and decorations in chocolate.Recipes include simple cakes and cookies, candies, and more elaborate desserts, as well as mousses, ice creams, parfaits, and drinks.

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Katalógové číslo
The Chocolate Spoon
Druh tovaru
276 x 212
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Sadzba DPH

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