Virtual Society

Herman Narula

GBR Anglicky Penguin Books2023

Kniha: Virtual Society - Herman Narula
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Kniha: Virtual Society

A definitive guide to the metaverse: why it's important, why it matters to society, and how to create a metaverse that works for all of us---------------'Brimming with big and convincing arguments about where human life is heading' Arianna Huffington---------------The metaverse is a vision of how the next generation of the internet will operate. Many people believe it is the future. But what will that future look like? An immersive digital playground? The next generation of online gaming? Or just the latest manifestation of our human tendency to create other realities?Herman Narula argues that it is all of these things and more.His vision of the metaverse, deeply rooted in history and psychology, looks to the Egyptians, whose concept of death inspired them to build the pyramids, to modern-day sports fans whose fantasy leagues are as competitive as the real thing, and finds that humanity has always sought ways to supplement our day-to-day lives with a rich diversity of alterative immersive experiences. Virtual Society reveals why the metaverse offers a new universe of ideas that gives everyone the chance to create, explore and find meaning. It's an essential guide for anyone who wants to understand the true shape of our virtual future.---------------Reader reviews'This book unlocked my understanding of the Metaverse in a completely new refreshing way. This is a must read book which needs to be introduced in every school curriculum globally for our upcoming metaversial society and "fulfilment economy".' *****'I've been trying to follow what tech professionals and commentators mean when talking about the metaverse over the last two years. Herman's description of what the metaverse may become, however, is by the far the most compelling.What makes it compelling is the fact that it is routed in human history. The metaverse is not a new concept; and you don't need a degree from Cambridge to understand it.' *****

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Katalógové číslo
Virtual Society
Herman Narula
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
198 x 129 x 15
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