Forward the Foundation

Isaac Asimov

GBR Anglicky Harper Voyager

Kniha: Forward the Foundation - Isaac Asimov
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Kniha: Forward the Foundation

DISCOVER THE SAGA BEHIND THE APPLE TV+ ORIGINAL SERIES From a grand master of science fiction comes the long awaited final novel of one of the greatest series ever told. Completed just before his death, FORWARD THE FOUNDATION is a crowning achievement and stirring testament to the creative genius of Isaac Asimov. As Hari Seldon struggles to perfect his revolutionary theory of psychohistory and ensure a place for humanity among the stars, the once-mighty Galactic Empire totters on the brink of apocalyptic collapse.Caught in the maelstrom are Seldon and all he holds dear, pawns in the struggle for dominance. Whoever can control Seldon will control psychohistory-and with it the future of the galaxy. Among those seeking to turn psychohistory into the greatest weapon known to man are a populist political demagogue, the weak-willed Emperor Cleon I, and a ruthless militaristic general.In his last act of service to humankind, Hari Seldon must somehow save his life's work from their grasp as he searches for his true heirs-a search the begins with his own granddaughter and the dream of a new Foundation.

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Katalógové číslo
Forward the Foundation
Isaac Asimov
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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Sadzba DPH

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