One Good Thing

Alexandra Potter

GBR Anglicky Pan Books

Kniha: One Good Thing - 1. vydanie - Alexandra Potter
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Kniha: One Good Thing

One Good Thing is the heartwarming, hilarious alternative love story, from the internationally bestselling author of Confessions of a Forty-Something F**k Up, Alexandra Potter'The new Bridget Jones' - Celia Walden, Telegraph'A funny, feisty tale' - Mike Gayle'Assured and accomplished. Pacy, absorbing, witty and tender' - Karen SwanIn life, nothing is certain. Just when you think you have it all figured out, something can happen to change the course of everything .. . Liv Brooks is still in shock.Newly-divorced and facing an uncertain future, she impulsively swaps her London Life for the sweeping hills of the Yorkshire Dales, determined to make a fresh start. But fresh starts are harder than they look and feeling lost and lonely she decides to adopt Harry, an old dog from the local shelter, to keep her company. But Liv soon discovers she isn't the only one in need of a new beginning.On their daily walks around the village, they meet Valentine, an old man who suffers from loneliness who sits by the window and Stanley, a little boy who is scared of everyone, hides behind the garden gate and Maya, a teenager who is angry at everyone and everything. But slowly things start to change . .. Utterly relatable, hilarious and heart-breakingly honest, this is a novel about friendship, finding happiness and living the life unexpected. And how when everything falls apart, all you need is one good thing to turn your life around and make it worth living again.

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Katalógové číslo
One Good Thing
1. vydanie
Alexandra Potter
Druh tovaru
197 x 130
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Sadzba DPH

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