What's Where on Earth? History Atlas

Fran Baines

GBR Anglicky Dorling Kindersley Ltd2023

Kniha: What's Where on Earth? History Atlas - Fran Baines
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Kniha: What's Where on Earth? History Atlas

This captivating children's atlas gives a complete history of the life and times of our world, through a series of stunning, specially commissioned 3D maps. Wrap up warm for a trip to the Ice Age, wonder at the invention of the wheel, show your support at the French Revolution, and blast off for the Moon landings! This fascinating history book for kids showcases the impact of global events over millennia and centuries past. From ancient times to the 21st century, these colourful, detailed maps pinpoint exactly when and where the most important events and movements in history happened, as well as the part they all played in shaping the world today.Children aged 9+ will love to travel through time right up until recent history, including World War II and the Space Age. This historical map book for children features: - More than 60 global, continental and regional maps that plot the geographical spread of the most important events, movements, and civilizations in world history, encouraging learning and stimulating interest in the wider world. - Beautifully illustrated and specially commissioned maps, designed to bring an instant understanding of the subject, and how, where, and when the relevant events occurred.- Key events in history like the spread of the Black Death, the expansion of the Roman Empire, the impact of World War II. What's Where on Earth? History Atlas is totally unique and the ideal book for anyone and everyone who wants to know more about the world. This round-the-world trip begins with the first humans and cities before visiting the Egyptian pharaohs and experiencing the rise of the Roman Empire.This History Atlas is the perfect gift for children curious about the past and the world around them, as well as parents and educators looking for a visual way to tell stories.

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Katalógové číslo
What's Where on Earth? History Atlas
Fran Baines
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
287 x 238
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Sadzba DPH

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