The Career Change Guide

GBR Anglicky Michael Joseph

Kniha: The Career Change Guide
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Kniha: The Career Change Guide

Pre-order now to discover what you really want from work with this empowering, practical guide from expert career coach Rachel Schofield__________Are you dreaming of a new career?Or do you just want more out of your job?Either way, The Career Change Guide ensures that work works for youThis empowering, practical guide takes the confusion, fear and indecision out of career change. Whether making small adjustments or life-changing moves, it provides simple, achievable steps to turn your dreams into reality. The Career Change Guide will help you investigate your skills as well as discover your drives, interests and inspirations.It will take you on a structured five step journey. . .- Preparing - Reflecting - Imagining & Designing - Taking Action - Keeping Going -. . .to lead you to the job of your dreams. You'll learn to. .. - Be clear about who you are and the work and life you want- Devise and explore career ideas - Tackle self-doubt and build confidence- Design an action plan for changeThe Career Change Guide is your first step to a better career and a happier life. So enough procrastination.. . are we doing this, or aren't we?__________

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The Career Change Guide
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234 x 153
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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