The Little Book of Gin Cocktails

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Kniha: The Little Book of Gin Cocktails
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Kniha: The Little Book of Gin Cocktails

Go beyond the Gin & Tonic with over 55 classic and contemporary gin cocktail recipes. Whether you love sweet drinks or sour ones, quick and casual cocktails or something more impressive, The Little Book of Gin can help you transform your favourite gin into something special. - Learn your way around making gin-based martinis, from the perfect Classic Martini to cap off a great evening to drinks that are perfect for kicking off a boozy brunch, like the Espresso Gin-tini and the Breakfast Martini (complete with toast to garnish!)- Master well-known staples like the Gin Rickey, the Negroni and the Tom Collins and then take a walk on the wild side with contemporary twists on gin's biggest hits like the Mango Rickey, the Lychee Negroni, and the Camomile Collins.- Discover your new favourite gin-based drink along with tips and tricks for making it, right down to the type of glass it is traditionally served in (though we won't judge you if you get creative). Enjoy gin your way and delight the gin-lover in your life with this pocket-sized guide to gin recipes for every occasion.

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The Little Book of Gin Cocktails
Druh tovaru
154 x 112
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Sadzba DPH

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