An Unapologetic Cookbook

Joshua Weissman

GBR Anglicky DK Publishing

Kniha: An Unapologetic Cookbook - 1. vydanie - Joshua Weissman
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Kniha: An Unapologetic Cookbook

A Weissman once said…

“…can we please stop with the barrage of 2.3 second meals that only need 1 ingredient? I get it…we’re busy. But let’s refocus on the fact that beautifully crafted burgers don’t grow on trees.”

Ironically this sounds a lot like he’s trying to convince you to cook, but he’s really not. Is this selling the cookbook? The point is that the food in this book is an invitation that speaks for itself. Great cooking does, and should, take time. Now is the time to double down and get your head in the cooking game. Or you know, don’t. Maybe get someone else to cook this stuff for you…that works too.

How can you know if something is your favorite if 50 to 80 percent of the stuff you’ve been eating was made by someone else? Butter, condiments, cheese, pickles, patties, and buns. For a superior and potentially even life-changing experience, you can (and should, to be honest) make these from scratch. Create the building blocks necessary to make the greatest meal of your life.

While you’re at it, give it the Joshua Weissman—or your own—twist. As Joshua would say, “If you don’t like blue cheese, then don’t use blue cheese.” From simple staples to gourmet to deep-fried, you are the master of your own kitchen, and you’ll make it all, on your terms.

With no regrets, excuses, or apologies, Joshua Weissman will instruct you how with his irreverent humor, a little bit of light razzing, and over 100 perfectly delectable recipes.

If you love to host and entertain; if you like a good project; if you crave control of your food; if fast food or the frozen aisle or the super-fast-super-easy cookbook keeps letting your tastebuds down; then Joshua Weissman: An Unapologetic Cookbook is your ideal kitchen companion.

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Katalógové číslo
An Unapologetic Cookbook
1. vydanie
Joshua Weissman
Druh tovaru
262×184×24 mm
Na dopyt
Sadzba DPH

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