Just a Spritz : 57 Simple Sparkling Sips with Low to No Alcohol

GBR Anglicky Artisan Division of Workman Publishing

Kniha: Just a Spritz : 57 Simple Sparkling Sips with Low to No Alcohol
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Kniha: Just a Spritz : 57 Simple Sparkling Sips with Low to No Alcohol

Inspired by the world's embrace of Italy's ever-popular bubbly and refreshing Aperol spritz, Just a Spritz is an expansive collection of 50 easy, low- or no-alcohol fizzy, flavourful cocktails perfect for imbibing any time of year. Step aside, rose. A more refreshing drink is here, in a bubbling array of colours and flavours.The iconic Italian export, the Aperol spritz, with its classic (and simple) makeup of fizzy prosecco, sparkling water, and a splash of the bittersweet, citrus-flavoured liqueur, is just the beginning. In Just a Spritz, author Danielle Centoni shares an inspired world of spritz variations. Add in sweet liqueurs and bitter amari, fresh juices, flavoured kombuchas, and drinking vinegars to update the sparkling spritz.A spritz is quick to assemble and does not require a stocked pantry - its beauty is in its simplicity. Here there are more than 50 recipes (and numerous variations) organised by flavour profile and theme, including the Raspberry Beret, the Margarita Spritz, and the Cucumberbatch, as well as nonalcoholic spritz drinks. For a spritz newbie, a classic Negroni Sbagliato may be just the thing, whereas the social media savant may find the fruity-floral, scarlet-purple, picture-perfect Lady Lavender calling their name.Whatever the craving - from a sweet peach and honeyed spritz to a slightly bitter and citrusy Cappelletti Shandy - there's a recipe to satisfy every thirst, along with colourful photos to inspire.

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Just a Spritz : 57 Simple Sparkling Sips with Low
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