Everyday Fresh: Meals In Minutes

Kniha: Everyday Fresh: Meals In Minutes - Donna Hay
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Kniha: Everyday Fresh: Meals In Minutes

From Australia's bestselling and most trusted cook comes a stunning new book featuring super-fresh, super-fast recipes to help you feel nourished and energised ... and ready to savour life. 'One of the questions I get asked most frequently is if I still cook at home.The answer is yes. Absolutely. As often as possible.'There are days when it feels as though there's barely time to eat dinner, let alone prepare it.Donna knows on days like these, we all need a little Everyday Fresh in our lives. We all want to create delicious meals packed with flavour and everything that's good for us, with a minimum of fuss. And that's exactly what Donna Hay delivers.'Simple made special' is the foundation of almost every recipe Donna has ever written. She's all about the classics, but also about a flexible, fresher approach to eating. She's constantly on the lookout for ways to make something easier, healthier, quicker or a little more on-trend - and she also loves a cheat, a quick-fix or anything that can be made in one bowl, that still tastes great.'If I can create a dish that makes someone feel better because it's mouth-wateringly delicious, packed with nourishing vegetables, or helps them bring a little more balance to their life - that's success!'
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Katalógové číslo
Everyday Fresh: Meals In Minutes
Donna Hay
Druh tovaru
267 x 223 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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