Vegetables: Recipes and Techniques from the Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts


Kniha: Vegetables: Recipes and Techniques from the Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts
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Kniha: Vegetables: Recipes and Techniques from the Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts

FERRANDI Paris, the French School of Culinary Arts-dubbed the "Harvard of gastronomy" by Le Monde newspaper--provides the ultimate reference on cooking with vegetables. Infusing mealtimes with delicious vegetarian and flexitarian options has never been more important. Drawing on the expertise of the world-renowned professional culinary school FERRANDI Paris, this book offers a complete course on vegetables, with fifty step-by-step techniques for preparing, chopping, and cooking vegetables for optimal flavor, and more than seventy recipes. Following advice on how to equip your kitchen, the essential techniques cover everything from grating, seeding, and pureeing to poaching, blanching, and roasting more than eighty different vegetables varieties. The recipes--from smoothies, soups, and soufflés to curries, risottos, and tarts--lead aspiring chefs through every step, from basic tips to Michelin-level creations. Written by the school's experienced teaching team of master chefs and adapted for the home cook, this fully illustrated book explains, step by step in text and images, the fundamental techniques and recipes that form the building blocks of the illustrious French cooking tradition. Easy-to-follow recipes are graded for level of difficulty, allowing readers to develop their skills over time. Whether you are an amateur home chef or an experienced professional, this extensive reference provides everything you need to master the world-class culinary school's recipes that bring plant-based abundance to your table.
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Vegetables: Recipes and Techniques from the Ferran
Druh tovaru
280 x 210 mm
Sadzba DPH

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