The Thursday Murder Club

Kniha: The Thursday Murder Club - Richard Osman
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Kniha: The Thursday Murder Club

'A little beacon of pleasure' KATE ATKINSON'So smart and funny. Deplorably good' IAN RANKINPRE-ORDER NOW: THE FIRST BOOK IN THE GRIPPING THURSDAY MURDER CLUB SERIES BY TV PRESENTER RICHARD OSMANIn a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders.But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club find themselves in the middle of their first live case.Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.Can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer before it's too late?__________________________________WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB'A superb debut. Thrilling, moving, laugh-out-loud funny and packed with characters you will want to see a LOT more of' Mark Billingham'Compelling. Mystery fans are going to be enthralled' Harlan Coben'Smart, compassionate, warm, moving and so VERY funny. I smiled a million times. This book will make a lot of people very, very happy' Marian Keyes'Funny, clever and achingly British - what else would you expect from a book by Richard Osman?' Adam Kay'So smart, so funny, so warm, and such a wonderful mystery. If we're lucky Richard Osman will keep these characters alive forever' Caroline Kepnes'A warm, wise and witty warning never to underestimate the elderly' Val McDermid'Diabolically clever, very funny, highly entertaining - utterly delightful. I completely fell in love with it' Shari Lapena'Clever, clever plot, great gags, Ealing comedy set-ups' Fiona Barton'Such a pleasurable read. I laughed my arse off, and think that any fan of Richard Osman's (which I am) would love his sly wit and wry observations' Belinda Bauer'Utterly charming and very, very clever. Exactly what you'd expect from Richard Osman writing a crime novel' Sarah Pinborough'A properly funny and totally charming murder mystery steeped in Agatha Christie joy. Also the best crime solving foursome and full of a type of Britishness that makes you smile' Araminta Hall'A bundle of joy... Absolutely loved it' Jane Fallon'Robert Galbraith meets Tom Sharpe. Plot driven with great characters, I'm doing actual lols on every page. I don't ever want to finish this book!' Philippa Perry'What a tonic! A scrumptious mixture of wry humour, poignancy, OAP rebellion and the unexpected. I've never read a murder mystery like this one before. Should be on prescription' Jane Corry
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Katalógové číslo
The Thursday Murder Club
Richard Osman
Druh tovaru
234 x 153 mm
Sadzba DPH

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