Monday Mourning

Kathy Reichs

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2011

Kniha: Monday Mourning - Kathy Reichs
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Kniha: Monday Mourning

___________________________________ A gripping Temperance Brennan novel from world-class forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs, the international no. 1 bestselling crime thriller writer and the inspiration behind the hit TV series Bones. Three skeletons are found in a Montreal basement.The building is old, and the homicide detective in charge dismisses the remains as historic. Not his case. Not his concern.Forensic anthropologist Dr Temperance Brennan is not so sure. Something about the bones of these three young women suggests a different message: murder. Soon she finds herself drawn ever deeper into a web of evil from which there may be no escape.Three women have disappeared, never to return. Will Tempe be next?___________________________________ Dr Kathy Reichs is a professional forensic anthropologist. She has worked for decades with chief medical examiners, the FBI, and even a United Nations Tribunal on Genocide.However, she is best known for her internationally bestselling Temperance Brennan novels, which draw on her remarkable experience to create the most vividly authentic, true-to-life crime thrillers on the market and which are the inspiration for the hit TV series Bones. ___________________________________ Many of the world's greatest thriller writers are huge fans of her work: 'Kathy Reichs writes smart - no, make that brilliant - mysteries that are as realistic as nonfiction and as fast-paced as the best thrillers about Jack Reacher, or Alex Cross.' JAMES PATTERSON 'One of my favourite writers.' KARIN SLAUGHTER 'I love Kathy Reichs? - always scary, always suspenseful, and I always learn something.' LEE CHILD 'Nobody does forensics thrillers like Kathy Reichs. She's the real deal.' DAVID BALDACCI 'Each book in Kathy Reichs's fantastic Temperance Brennan series is better than the last.They're filled with riveting twists and turns - and no matter how many books she writes, I just can't get enough!' LISA SCOTTOLINE 'Nobody writes a more imaginative thriller than Kathy Reichs.' CLIVE CUSSLER
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Katalógové číslo
Monday Mourning
Kathy Reichs
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
130 x 197 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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