Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know

Kniha: Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know - Colm Tóibín
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Kniha: Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know

An intimate study of three of Ireland's greatest writers from one of its best-loved contemporary voices__________________'A a necessary evil.' Stephen Dedalus in UlyssesIn Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know Colm Toibin takes three of Ireland's greatest writers - Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats and James Joyce - and examines their earliest influences: their fathers. With his inimitable wit and sensitivity, Toibin introduces us to Wilde Senior, the philandering doctor whose libel case prefigured that of his son; the elder Yeats, an impoverished artist who never finished a painting; and to John Stanislaus Joyce, the hard-drinking, storytelling father of James, who couldn't feed his own family.This is an illuminating study of how each of these men cast a long shadow not only over the lives of their famous sons, but over the works for which they are celebrated and cherished. __________________'Astonishing to read. Toibin has a hawk-like eye for literary subtleties, and a generosity towards his subjects that is warm' Sunday Times'Funny, exciting, illuminating, wonderful, so engaging.Tells us more than a little about our own selves along the way' Irish Times'There is something interesting and insightful on almost every page' Observer'Sparkling, subtle, witty and often deeply moving . . .A classic' Fintan O'Toole, New Statesman'Scintillating, imaginative, enlightening and powerfully moving throughout' Roy Foster, Spectator
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Katalógové číslo
Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know
Colm Tóibín
Druh tovaru
128 x 196 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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