Week Light

Kniha: Week Light - Donna Hay
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Kniha: Week Light

Australia's bestselling cookbook author and most trusted home cook, Donna Hay, returns with a beautiful new cookbook that you'll want to use every night of the week. There are endless arguments out there for bringing more vegetables to your table - your own wellbeing, your budget, our environment, the list goes on. Whatever your personal reason, there's one that I think is universal - FLAVOUR.Gone are the days where a sad salad or soft steamed carrots were our only options. These recipes use vegetables in a whole new way, adding so much life to your weekly routine. Who knew broccoli (in my mind the superfood of all vegetables) could make such a delicious pizza base, flat-bread or tart shell? Often for lunch, or even a snack, I'll bake my super-green falafels in the oven and my studio team love them.As for my boys? Their current weeknight request is my crunchy raw pad thai - so yum. Inside Week Light, you'll find all these ideas and so much more. It's essentially my week in food, in a book - super-quick, family-friendly, fuss-free meals made REAL.Vegetables are at the forefront of nearly every recipe, with a few meat options thrown in, and there are lots of my all-time classics re-worked to include more goodness. This book is about using food to refuel and re-energise, while nurturing ourselves with flavour. Happy cooking!
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Katalógové číslo
Week Light
Donna Hay
Druh tovaru
263 x 216 x 22
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Sadzba DPH

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