Never Tell

Kniha: Never Tell - Lisa Gardnerová
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Kniha: Never Tell

THE INTERNATIONAL NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AUTHOR'A TSUNAMI OF A THRILLER. This may well be Gardner's best work' - DAVID BALDACCI_______________One death might be an accident.Two deaths looks like murder. A man is shot dead in his own home, and his pregnant wife, Evie, is found with the gun in her hands. Detective D.D. Warren instantly recognises her.Sixteen years ago, Evie also shot her own father. That killing was ruled an accident. D.D. doesn't believe in coincidences.But this case isn't as open and shut as it first appears, and her job is to discover the truth. Evie might be a victim. Or she might be about to get away with murder again._______________ 'Never Tellis raw, visceral, emotional, the sentences come at you like MP5 rounds, and features three incredible characters, D.D., Flora and Evie, who, alone, could carry any narrative.' - DAVID BALDACCI 'a shattering emotional journey that's utterly relentlessin pacing and suspense. Tell everyone that Never Tell is an early candidate for the best thriller of 2019.' - PROVIDENCE JOURNAL 'Never Tell is a pacey and action-packed thrillerthat will leave you feeling breathless' - CULTUREFLY '...pulls no punchesin its authenticity. She isone of the masters when it comes to crime fiction.Fans of her novels will consider this one of her best, and newcomers will be in awe of the compelling storyand unpredictabilityof the proceedings.' - MAIL ONLINE'This career-best thriller from the bestseller will keep you up into the wee small hours ... the twists just keep coming' - PETERBOROUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH'Lisa Gardner has outdone herselfwith this powerful novel about three women, two murders, and uncountable secrets! From its stunning opening to its last thrilling page, Never Tellwill captivate, surprise,and satisfy you.' - LISA SCOTTOLINE 'Never Tellshocks the system like ten thousand volts. D.D.Warren's most gripping case yet. Brace yourself, gulp down a deep breath, and dive in.' - A.J. FINN 'Gardner's writing is beautiful, and the plot weaves together masterfullywith detail and precision...For anyone looking for a suspenseful, gripping read, Never Tellwill not disappoint.' - NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKS 'Her character work is beautifully done,and she deftly handles multiple narrators, timelines and plot arcs. Gardner strikes what feels like a perfect tone...Never Tellis an excellent addition to the D.D. Warren series and proof it's never too late to draw in new fans.' - SHELF AWARENESS 'Nail-biting...Gardner's commendable storytelling will keep fans eagerly waiting for the next outing for D.D. and Flora' - PUBLISHERS WEEKLY 'In her latest nail-biter Never Tell, Lisa Gardner knows just what her readers want and how to give it to them.' - REAL BOOK SPY 'This novel is on fire!Surprising twists and a great cast make this a brilliant page-turner that I can recommend to everyone.' - THE BELGIAN REVIEWER BLOG 'gripping, compelling, and full of twists' - BOOK AFTER BOOK BLOG
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Katalógové číslo
Never Tell
Lisa Gardnerová
Druh tovaru
178 x 110 mm
Sadzba DPH

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