Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot

Kniha: Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot - Frank Miller
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Kniha: Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot

Front and center, America! Here comes action! Here comes adventure! Here comes The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot -- a roller-coaster ride through the minds of Geof Darrow and Frank Miller, the tag team that set you reeling with their hard-hitting series, Hard Boiled! Everything you remember about being eight years old and watching monster movies is right here, but with all the magnified detail that you always wanted to see. Geof Darrow was awarded an Eisner for his spectacular artwork on the original hit miniseries, The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot. For all the time and all the care he lavished on those pages, it's an award that was well-earned. When Geof first came into the Dark Horse offices with the finished pages for the series based on Frank Miller's script, we were all stunned by the detail... A gargantuan monster is tearing apart downtown Tokyo and turning its fair citizens into a menagerie of grotesques! Can anyone stop the carnage? Can anyone save the city? Enter Rusty, the Boy Robot, Japan's biggest big gun! If he can't atomize the atomic monstrosity, nobody can!
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Katalógové číslo
Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
Frank Miller
Druh tovaru
320 x 228 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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