DC Comics Variant Covers

Daniel Wallace

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2017

Kniha: DC Comics Variant Covers - Daniel Wallace
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Kolekcia titulov: DC Comics

DC Comics

Všetky najdôležitejšie fakty o hrdinoch či darebákoch úžasného sveta komiksov vydavateľstva DC! Zistiť viac...

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Kniha: DC Comics Variant Covers

For the first time ever, explore the complete visual history of DC Comics variant comic book covers in this amazing collection. DC Comics cover art is some of the most celebrated in the world, from the first appearance of Superman in Action Comics #1 to the iconic covers that adorn classics such as Batman: The Killing Joke and Watchmen. Fans of comic book cover art have also come to relish a phenomenon that began in 1986 with the first issue of The Man of Steel, which featured two different covers from artist John Byrne. The notion of so-called "variant covers" caught on and has now become a regular part of DC Comics' diverse output, with a wildly creative set of alternate covers being created for many key issues. Now you can explore the world of these alternative works of art with DC Comics Variant Covers: The Complete Visual History, which showcases some of the finest and most famous variant covers ever produced, with insight into the design process from leading comic artists and industry experts. Featuring an astounding collection of covers featuring DC Comics' remarkable characters, including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, and more, DC Comics Variant Covers: The Complete Visual History is the perfect gift for casual fans and comic book aficionados alike. All DC characters and elements (c) & (TM) DC Comics. (s16)
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Katalógové číslo
DC Comics Variant Covers
Daniel Wallace
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
294 x 365 mm
Na dopyt
Sadzba DPH

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