Whole Grains for a New Generation

Liana Krissoff


Kniha: Whole Grains for a New Generation - Liana Krissoff
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Kniha: Whole Grains for a New Generation

Everywhere we turn, experts are telling us to eat more whole grains, for heart health (whole grains are of course rich in the fibre that reduces cholesterol), weight loss (they're filling and don't lead to blood sugar spikes), even cancer prevention (whole grains were recently found to be chockfull of antioxidants). Whole Grains for a New Generation capitalises on this growing interest in whole grains, but interestingly, health is not the focus here. Although the health benefits are undeniable, the focus of this book is easy recipes promising great flavour, the health benefits are simply an added bonus. Liana Krisoff shows how easy it is not only to incorporate whole grains into your diet, but really how delicious these grains can be. Here are 175 recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner and Dessert, meant for everyday cooking and requiring no special ingredients or equipment. Recipes include Cornmeal Pancakes with Plum Compote; Black Quinoa with Chicken Confit, Mushrooms, and Pickled Red Onion; Calamari and Farro Salad with Mango, Lime, and Basil; Sweet-Spiced Roast Chicken with Barley and Apricots; Whole Roasted Rainbow Trout with Zucchini Couscous; and more. These are delicious recipes that are free of extraneous steps and include make-ahead and time-saving tips as well as other techniques and ideas for easily incorporating whole grains into everyday meals. Canning For A New Generation introduced a younger audience to an age-old method of preserving and cooking that only makes sense given the newfound DIY interest among home cooks. Whole Grains for a New Generation continues in this vein, offering another beautiful package that introduces age-old grains and new fresh flavours to mainstream, young and hip home cooks seeking out healthful and delicious ways of eating.
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Whole Grains for a New Generation
Liana Krissoff
Druh tovaru
20.3 x 22.9 cm
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Sadzba DPH

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