Jamie`s Kitchen

Kniha: Jamie`s Kitchen - Jamie Oliver
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Kniha: Jamie`s Kitchen

Jamie Oliver is setting up a new restaurant in London, which is also a training school for young chefs, and you’re invited to find out how he gets along. Jamie’s Kitchen features brand new recipes from Jamie’s cookery course, as well as from the restaurant menu, including some cracking salads and the ultimate in delicious Mediterranean-style fast food. In his own unique way, Jamie guides you through different cooking methods, from poaching and boiling, to chargrilling and pot-roasting. But this is not a clinical or overly serious ‘learn to cook’ book. It’s not about how to become a professional chef, weighed down with having to remember facts and figures and techniques. Its about Jamie giving you an honest and easy approach to cooking. About giving you a kickstart in the kitchen. He guides you in your cooking and doesn’t instruct. He encourages you to have a sense of independence, confidence, simplicity, to have a laugh and to become the boss in your own kitchen. Think of Jamie as a mate who can give you a bit of extra help every now and again. Be inspired when shopping - decide what looks good, ask yourself what's in season, see what's cheap. A wealth of hints and tips will have you trying loads of new ideas and making up your own recipes. So get into Jamie’s Kitchen and learn how to make delicious food alongside him.
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Katalógové číslo
Jamie`s Kitchen
Jamie Oliver
Druh tovaru
250 x 279
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Sadzba DPH

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