Frieze A to Z of Contemporary Art

Kniha: Frieze A to Z of Contemporary Art
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Kniha: Frieze A to Z of Contemporary Art

The ultimate guide to 25 years of contemporary art, as seen through the filter of the world's leading contemporary art magazine frieze A to Z of Contemporary Art charts the dynamic, changing landscape of the contemporary art and culture of the past quarter century. Drawing on frieze magazine’s exceptional back catalogue of articles, this book brings together a curated collection of over fifty engaging highlights. It features artist interviews; essays on subjects as varied as museums, photography, pre-historic art and television; and think pieces on broader cultural topics, such as fame, gentrification, nostalgia, and style. The book's content - selected from throughout the magazine's history - offers a guide to this dynamic era of visual culture, revealing the increasing internationalism, popularity, and market dominance of contemporary art.
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Frieze A to Z of Contemporary Art
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