Eureka!: An Infographic Guide To Science

Kniha: Eureka!: An Infographic Guide To Science
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Kniha: Eureka!: An Infographic Guide To Science

Discover how the world really works in this spectacular journey through space and time that shows the fundamentals of science in groundbreaking visuals, from the Big Bang to Artificial Intelligence. Following each stage of the development of the material Universe, from the first cataclysmic moments to the emergence of human and machine intelligence, the Infographic Guide to Science presents the unfolding science that lies behind and between then and now. Starting from the point of physical origin, the book moves through quarks, atoms, molecules and stars; to planet building, organic chemistry, the emergence of life, sentience; and finally on to the human mind and its quest to understand the Universe through exploration and science. Spectacular visuals reveal unexpected insights into how the world really works, covering all the major branches of scientific understanding. Using vast amounts of information to cross-reference a breadth of different subject areas, the book features physics, cosmology, chemistry, earth science, biology, nano-science, medicine, engineering and computer technology. It illuminates, inspires and amazes us with visually striking and information-rich infographics.
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Eureka!: An Infographic Guide To Science
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