Gardens in France

Angelika Taschen; Deidi von Schaewen; Marie-Francoise Valory


Kniha: Gardens in France - Angelika Taschen; Deidi von Schaewen; Marie-Francoise Valory
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Kniha: Gardens in France

Earthly delights When flowers meet French charm From stylized Zen gardens in Provence to cactus displays on the Cote d’Azur, from classical palace gardens to quaint domestic beds, travel round the most beautiful gardens in France, home to some of the most elegant, charming, and inspiring horticulture in the world.The typical plants of each climatic region are represented—delphiniums, roses and irises in the North, and Californian poppies, santolinas, and lavender in the Midi. With pictures through every season, celebrate the particular beauty of spring, summer, fall, and winter, and discover plenty of inspiring ideas for your own garden. The collection celebrates both such famous displays as Villandry, Versailles, and the gardens of Claude Monet, as well as lesser known gems of equal, if smaller-scale, charm.A spectacular source book for all garden and nature lovers, this is also a special travel guide for any visitors to France, with a number of the chosen gardens open to the public. The editor:Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.The photographer:Deidi von Schaewen, who has lived in Paris for thirty years, is a contributor to a range of international periodicals and a filmmaker, and has published numerous books. Her publications with TASCHEN include Indian Interiors, Fantasy Worlds, Gardens of Provence, and Inside Africa.Texts by:Marie-Françoise Valéry studied English and political science before devoting herself to landscape gardening, an area in which she is a recognized expert. She has written a large number of gardening books on various topics, as well as articles for well-known French garden and design magazines.
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Katalógové číslo
Gardens in France
Tvrdá, bez prebalu, lesklá
Angelika Taschen; Deidi von Schaewen; Marie-Francoise Valory
Druh tovaru
252×324 mm

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