The Evening and the Morning
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Kniha: The Evening and the Morning
From the bestselling author Ken Follett, The Evening and the Morning is a historical epic that will end where The Pillars of the Earth begins.A Time of ConflictIt is 997 CE, the end of the Dark Ages. The king's grip on the country is fragile and chaos reigns. A young boat builder dreams of a better future after a devastating Viking raid shatters the life he hoped for.Lives IntertwinedA Norman noblewoman follows her husband to a new land only to find her life there shockingly different; and a capable monk at Shiring Abbey has a vision of transforming his humble home into a centre of learning admired throughout Europe.The Dawn of a New AgeNow, with England at the dawn of the Middle Ages, these three people will each come into dangerous conflict with a ruthless bishop, who will do anything to increase his wealth and power, in an epic tale of ambition, rivalry, love and hate.Thirty years ago we were introduced to Kingsbridge in The Pillars of the Earth, and now, in this masterful prequel international bestseller, Ken Follett will take us on a journey into a rich past, which will end where his masterpiece begins.
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- Katalógové číslo
- 406644
- Druh tovaru
- Kniha
- 9781447278825
- Rok vydania
- 2021/07
- Názov
- The Evening and the Morning
- Autorstvo
- Ken Follett
- Forma
- Mäkká
- Poznámka
- 1. vydanie
- Rozmer
- 178 x 111 mm
- Hmotnosť
- 0,49 kg
- Sadzba DPH
- 5,00 %
- Cena MOC
- 10,50 €
- Zľava
- 8,00 %
- Stav
- Na dopyt
- Reg. číslo FPU
- (info len pre knižnice)
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Ken Follett
Ken Follett (*5. jún 1949 Cardiff, Wales, Spojené kráľovstvo) je uznávaný anglický spisovateľ, autor historických románov a trilerov. Už od detstva ho to ťahalo k literatúre. Študoval psychológiu a po viac...