Amazing Slovakia

Filip Kulisev

SVK Slovensky SLOVART2017

Kniha: Amazing Slovakia - Filip Kulisev
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Kniha: Amazing Slovakia

In the past decade, traveler and photographer Filip Kulisev, MQEP (Master Qualified European Photographer) and FBIPP (Fellow of the British Institute of Professional Photography), has been recognized as one of the world’s best landscape photographers. Amazing Slovakia is his ninth book, in which for the first time he exclusively focuses on his native country and the number of remarkable places it has to offer. Slovakia is shown here in photographs taken from a bird’s eye view. This approach allowed him to capture on film the only wild herd of European bison in Slovakia, the Morské Oko Lake hidden in the lush forests of Vihorlat and the Domašín Meander of the Váh River, which bears a striking resemblance to its more famous counterpart on the Colorado River in America’s Grand Canyon. The little known Čabraď Castle in Central Slovakia is proof that no one necessarily has to travel to Peru to see something as remarkable as Machu Picchu. Such natural beauty is not confined to Slovakia’s most famous tourist destinations such as the High Tatras and Slovak Paradise; it can also be seen in many lesser known gems scattered throughout the countryside. For Filip, however, Slovakia has much more than just magnificent natural beauty. Its rich history has also had a tremendous impact upon the country over the last millennium. The castle ruins, magnificent chateaux, and the many abandoned monasteries and medieval churches are evidence that Slovakia has always been at the crossroads of history in Europe. The charms of the country are divided into geographical units: Western, Central and Eastern Slovakia.

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Katalógové číslo
Amazing Slovakia
Filip Kulisev
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
205 x 205 mm
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Vyexpedujeme do 7 dní
Sadzba DPH

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