With a Love Like That: The Beatles and the Women Who Loved Them

Kniha: With a Love Like That: The Beatles and the Women Who Loved Them
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Kniha: With a Love Like That: The Beatles and the Women Who Loved Them

Here, for the first time, is an intimate look inside the Beatles and their relationships with their muses, the eight women who shared the Beatles' lives from their teens, through Beatle-mania to the breakup. In evaluating the lives of these storied women, the book charts unrecorded collaborations and the startlingly revelatory autobiographical nature of the band's most famous songs. It also unfolds as an eye-opening alternative history of the forces that brought the Beatles together and ultimately tore them apart. Readers will learn of eight women who were the key Beatles' lovers: Cynthia Powell, Mo Cox, Iris Caldwell, Dot Rhone, Jane Asher, Pattie Boyd, Yoko Ono, and Linda Eastman. In new interviews, numerous key players in the Beatles' story, among them many previously off the record, will recount the truth of their private lives, revealing a side of the Beatles never before seen.
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With a Love Like That: The Beatles and the Women W
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