The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016

Kniha: The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016
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Kniha: The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016

A great, fun, romping collection of stories. "San Francisco Book Review" This volume s diverse list of well-known and rising stars . . . makes it a welcome addition to the 'Best American' series. " Washington Post" A powerful collection that is worth your time, attention, and love. "Tor" In its inaugural edition, "The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy" featured a diverse array of authors, stories, and sources. John Joseph Adams scours the magazine racks and websites to find the very best stories, and this year's guest editor, Karen Joy Fowler, is sure to curate a collection that encompasses all corners of the genres. As the best-selling author of both "The Jane Austen Book Club "and "We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, " Fowler knows firsthand just how different one author s writing can be from work to work, and she will bring that literary sensibility to her selections. However, she is also a longtime insider in the world of science fiction and fantasy, having won numerous Nebula and World Fantasy Awardsand cofoundedthe James Tiptree, Jr.Award for works of science fiction or fantasy that expand or explore the understanding of gender. With this top-notch combination of series and guest editor, "The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy "builds upon the foundation established in its first year."
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The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016
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